Catch the Wisdom Wave
How to become the best transformational life coach, holistic nurse coach, integral health and wellness coach, and conscious business and leadership coach. Discover something different. Awaken the extraordinary within.
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Grief and Coaching
Coaches understand that grief is a natural and inevitable part of the human experience. They approach this delicate process with compassion, empathy, and a deep respect for the client's unique journey. Coaches create a safe space for clients to explore their feelings, memories, and emotions surrounding their loss.
The Power of Pleasure and Joy
It's common knowledge that reducing stress and living happier, joyful lives can improve health outcomes in a multitude of ways. This can be easier said than done however when we get bogged down in the responsibilities and stresses of life, and they all too easily dominate our time.
Caring for Others and Self-Care
It's a delicate balance to care for others and to make sure one is caring for themselves at the same time. We think giving from the heart is commendable, however it gets tricky when a person's cup doesn't get refilled enough, and then they find themselves suffering from compassion fatigue.
Work-Life Balance
Work-life balance can be tricky to maintain, particularly when we move into fall and get back into the swing of things after summer. Some of you may have children going back to school, and you are dealing with an empty nest, or maybe you are going back to school yourself!