Bespoke Solutions for Conscious Organizations and Small Businesses

Interested in bringing coaching to your organization? We partner with organizations and small businesses to help them train their managers, leaders, and coaches. You are in the right place if you are looking for one or more of the following:

Coaching Skills for Leaders and Managers
Custom Internal Coaching Programs
Creating a Coaching Organization

People | Values | Principles |

People | Values | Principles |

What we offer

Coach Training & Mentorship

The Coach Training and Mentorship program development service offers organizations and small businesses a tailored approach to create and implement internal coaching programs, ensuring they align with the company's values and objectives. By training selected staff members as internal coaches and providing them with ongoing mentorship, the service aids businesses in fostering a culture of continuous learning and growth. This strategic investment boosts employee performance and satisfaction and enhances leadership development and talent retention.


Speaking services offered to organizations and small businesses focus on enlightening and inspiring the next generation of leaders to navigate the intricacies of a diverse and interdependent modern world. Through engaging presentations on integral leadership, holistic approaches to inclusion and belonging, strategic intuition, and enhanced decision-making in a VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous) environment, these talks provide invaluable insights and actionable strategies. Audience members are empowered with a comprehensive understanding ready to lead with resilience, inclusivity, and foresight in today's dynamic landscape.

leadership training

Leadership training services for organizations and small businesses target the cultivation of forward-thinking leaders attuned to the nuances of a diverse and interconnected modern world. These programs emphasize inclusivity, cross-cultural competency, and adaptive leadership techniques, ensuring that emerging leaders can navigate complex global challenges and lead diverse teams effectively. Through hands-on experiences and scenario-based learning, participants are equipped to champion collaboration and innovation, ensuring their organizations thrive in a rapidly evolving landscape.


Strategic consulting and senior executive advising services are designed to provide organizations and small businesses with high-level insights and guidance to amplify their organizational impact. These services combine deep industry knowledge with expert strategic planning, offering senior leaders actionable advice on optimizing team performance and ensuring that business operations align seamlessly with long-term strategic objectives. Through collaborative sessions, executives are equipped with the tools and frameworks necessary to drive impactful change, fostering enhanced team synergy and paving the way for scalable growth.

Let’s work together.

Have a project in mind, and curious how might we work together? Share a bit about your organization and your project in the form below, and we will be in touch shortly! We can't wait to hear from you!

  • Linda Bark, PhD, has developed a game changing system of coaching that elevates the role of the coach to include all facets of life and health. Not only is this practice more comprehensive, and useful for the client, it is also more rewarding and fulfilling for the coach.

    Swami Ravi Rudra Bharati Spiritual Director of Dancing Shiva Monastery and Retreat Center

  • I am so fortunate to have Linda Bark as my coach as she is a great listener and a confidence builder. Her approach challenges me to think differently about situations without dictating my next steps. Linda has encouraged me to practice self-care as a critical part of my leadership development process. I continue to grow as a leader and am grateful for the partnership with Linda.

    Jan Bigelow, CEO, Kendal at Lexington

  • Linda provided me with elevating coaching and support to allow me to see my way through the challenges of developing a novel, new and innovative way of helping people. Her coaching allows me to explore freely and yet to focus on specific issues as they arise. Truly an inspirational coach. (No superlatives here, I'm English)

    Peter C., creator/inventor of a new way of helping people, already proven by over one million people