World-Class Coach Training
Exclusive Offers for Radical Remission Students
A path like no other
Welcome, Radical Remission students! We are excited to hear that you are looking to become a coach and you are considering coach training with the Wisdom of the Whole® - The Gold Standard in Transformational Integral and Holistic Coaching. Coaching is a beautiful profession, and we are delighted to be able to support you in your vision and path of service to human potential.
Option 1
Our Core Competency course meets the minimum Radical Remission Health Coach certification requirements for those who want to become Radical Remission coaches.
As a student of the Radical Remission program, you can save 10% off our programs and all payment options. We have two great coach training options that meet minimum requirements of Radical Remission Coach certification. PLUS we offer specialty courses, like Wisdom of Integrative Imagery. Scroll to see more.
Be sure to use coupon code RRFRIENDS10 at the checkout to apply your 10% discount on any of our courses. Thank you for trusting us with your coach education journey.
Option 2
Go beyond with our Holistic Coaching Mastery Program. The program meets the requirements for 3 coaching certification pathways (ICF, NBHWC, AHNCC).
Use Code RRFRIENDS10 for 10% off any course
Use Code RRFRIENDS10 for 10% off any course

Join Susan Ezra as she facilitates her 5-week course: Wisdom of Integrative Imagery. Susan will guide you through the foundations of being an Integrative Imagery guide, and she will explain how it aligns with the Wisdom of the Wisdom of the Whole® framework. The program will also cover and apply five distinct Integrative Imagery techniques: Special Healing Place, Inner Wisdom, Inner Strengths, Working with an Aspect of Self, and Moving Imagery into Action. Walk away with a set of powerful imagery tools to use with confidence in your coaching practice.
This course is separate from and supplemental to our coach training program listed above. Click the link below to learn more about this popular course or Click Enroll Now to the right to register.
Do you appreciate the power of imagination? Are you looking for formal training in Guided Imagery? Do you want transformative techniques to use with your clients and for yourself? Discover the timeless Wisdom of Integrative Imagery.
How Can We Help?
We are happy to answer any additional questions you might have. Our faculty and Course Information Specialist are available to answer any questions. Please don’t hesitate to give us a call.