About Linda

Linda Bokros Blansit

Bachelor of Science in Nursing from the University of Texas, Registered Nurse, Nurse Coach-Board Certified, Full-Time Clinical Health Coach, NSCA Certified Personal Trainer, Certified Chronic Conditions Professional Health Coach, Wisdom of the Whole Graduate. Connect with Linda.


Linda Bokros Blansit - Health and Wellness Coach

I have always been a nature enthusiast. Initially I wanted a career working in nature. Instead, I became a nurse and found a strong passion for helping others. I still spend time in nature with my country lifestyle, hiking, and camping. I’ve been nursing in acute care hospitals for over 30 years working in Cardiac and Medical-Surgical Units, Intensive Care Units, Cardiac Rehabilitation Departments, and Home Hospice where my Nurse Coaching skills have blended beautifully to help people meet health goals. I provide private coaching services outside of my full-time position as a Clinical Health Coach with a health services company.

Coaching Style

As a graduate of Wisdom of the Whole Coaching Academy, I use a whole person approach in coaching. I enjoy using my clinical experience in cardiac nursing and cardiac rehabilitation to help support people in achieving improved heart health, but I will coach around any health and wellness topic the client wants to focus on. I believe that nature provides support to access deeper insight. I encourage clients to enhance their coaching experience by being near nature during coaching sessions. This could mean sitting in a park, or simply sitting by a window with a view of nature during coaching sessions.

Personal Philosophy

I believe in healthy equity, that access to health care is the right of all living beings. I provide coaching with a unique fee structure which aligns with my values. The concept of dana is an ancient Buddhist practice of cultivating generosity, providing lessons and service out of generosity. Payment amount is up to the client, anywhere from $5 - $100 per session, based on perceived value and affordability for the client. Email me at lindabokros@gmail.com.


  • "I'm so glad that you were my coach. I feel so fortunate to have had your services provided to me during such a dark time in my life. For me, your genuine caring, deep-listening, gentle reminders and pearls of wisdom were the perfect accompaniments to your nursing education and experience. It was invaluable for you to understand the limits of my illnesses."

    — Coaching Client, June 2024

  • "I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support. I know my travels will go smoothly because I will follow your guidance and hearing your wisdom. Stay healthy and I will too."

    – Coaching Client, September 2024

Favorite Movie

Whale Rider for its beautiful portrayal of life close to nature, inner wisdom and connection with spirit, and celebration of family and relationships.

More About Me

Favorite Getaway

I have an off-grid getaway home in Arkansas bordering the Lower Buffalo River Wilderness Area where I hike and venture to many natural wonders. I enjoy hiking to a natural bridge just a short distance from my home.

Professional Memberships

American Holistic Nurses Association, Preventive Cardiovascular Nurses Association, National Strength and Conditioning Association